- historical person (FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS)
- dog
- story of David
- David gives Uriah a letter for Joab
- curtains
- helmet
- secretary, scribe
- kneeling figure
- sitting figure
- decorations (interior of the house)
- upholstery (of a room)
- hangings and drapery
- palace
- necklace
- house personnel, servants
- ruler, sovereign
- throne
- crown (symbol of sovereignty)
- warfare; military affairs
- the soldier; the soldier's life
- writing tools
- seal, stamp
- Bible
- David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11-12)
- David and Uriah
- Cheat, Deceit; 'Fraude', 'Inganno' (Ripa)
- city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions
- insignia and symbols of sovereignty (crown, diadem, sceptre, orb, seal, standard, cloak, pectoral)
- Good and Bad Behaviour, Moral Qualities
- Old Testament