- disagreeable, repellent smell
- portrait of a musician - CC - out of doors
- the mind affected by drink, drugs or stimulants
- relations between the sexes
- music - CC - out of doors
- fashion, clothing (+ feathers used for clothes)
- looking over the shoulder
- man and animal
- dog
- glass, rummer
- lute, and special forms of lute, e.g.: theorbo
- New Testament
- proverbs, sayings, etc.
- 'Rhetorica', 'Eloquentia' (~ trivium); 'Rettorica' (Ripa)
- bunch of grapes
- standing figure
- sitting figure
- sleeping in bed
- youth, young man, adolescent
- adult man
- adult woman
- relations between individual persons
- lovers; courting, flirting
- defloration, loss of virginity (and symbols)
- loss of virginity symbolized
- celebration meal, feast, banquet
- recreation, amusement
- festivities
- group games, party games
- musician
- musical instruments; group of musical instruments
- wind instruments
- flute, aulos, tibia
- bagpipe, musette
- the liberal arts, 'Artes Liberales'
- trivium (personification of Grammatica, Dialectica and Rhetorica)
- Bible
- parables and proverbial sayings of Christ ~ richness and poverty
- the rich man (Dives) is feasting, while poor Lazarus is starving at the gate (dogs licking Lazarus' sores) (Luke 16:19-31)
- bird-cage opened (loss of virginity symbolized)
- empty bird cage
- adolescent, young woman, maiden
- bird in a cage
- music
- Christ as teacher (part II): parables and proverbial sayings of Christ