- man and animal
- dog
- coat, cape
- Despair; 'Disperatione' (Ripa)
- blood
- standing figure
- kneeling figure
- lying figure
- arm raised upward
- old man
- civic architecture; edifices; dwellings
- cattle
- herding, herdsman, herdswoman, shepherd, shepherdess, cowherd, etc.
- Pain, Sorrow, Sadness; 'Dolore', 'Dolore di Zeusi' (Ripa)
- Malevolence, Maliciousness; 'Malevolenza', 'Malignità ', 'Malvagità ' (Ripa)
- Bible
- Genesis: the story of Joseph
- story of Joseph (part I)
- Joseph sold into slavery and taken to Egypt (Genesis 37:12-35)
- Joseph's blood-stained coat is brought and shown to Jacob
- Jealousy; 'Gelosia', 'Rammarico del ben'altrui' (Ripa)
- Cheat, Deceit; 'Fraude', 'Inganno' (Ripa)
- occupations ~ cattle
- Infidelity, Perfidy; 'Perfidia' (Ripa)
- Old Testament