11HH(...) · female saints (with NAME)
- 11HH(...)0 · female saints (with NAME) - female saint represented in a group
- 11HH(...)3 · female saints (with NAME) - personal devotion of female saint
- 11HH(...)6 · female saints (with NAME) - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of female saint
- 11HH(...)7 · female saints (with NAME) - apotheosis, glory, triumph of female saint
- 11HH(AFRA) · the harlot and martyr Afra of Augsburg; possible attributes: dead tree, jar of ointment, stake, woodstack
- 11HH(AGATHA) · the virgin martyr Agatha of Catania; possible attributes: breasts on dish, burning house, loaf, taper or candle, tongs
- 11HH(AGNES) · the virgin martyr Agnes of Rome; possible attributes: lamb, ring
- 11HH(ANNA) · Anna, mother of Mary; possible attributes: book, Christ-child, lily, Virgin Mary
- 11HH(APOLLONIA) · the virgin martyr Apollonia of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, crown, palm-branch, tooth in pincers
- 11HH(BARBARA) · the virgin martyr Barbara; possible attributes: book, cannon(ball), crown, cross, chalice with wafer, Dioscuros (her father), peacock feather, sword, torches, mason's tools, tower
- 11HH(BRIDGET) · the foundress of the Order of Bri(d)gettines, the widow Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden; possible attributes: band over veil with five red spots, book, candle, heart with cross, inkhorn, pilgrim's hat, staff, wallet
- 11HH(BRIGID) · the abbess of Kildare, Brigid (Bridget) of Ireland; possible attributes: cow, flame, goose
- 11HH(CAPITAL VIRGINS, FOUR) · group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea
- 11HH(CATHERINE) · the virgin martyr Catherine of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, crown, emperor Maxentius, palm-branch, ring, sword, wheel
- 11HH(CATHERINE OF SIENA) · the virgin and Dominican Tertiary, Catherine of Siena; possible attributes: book, cross, crown of thorns, crucifix, demon under foot, heart (with cross), lily, plague-stricken, ring, rosary, stigmata
- 11HH(CECILIA) · the virgin martyr Cecilia of Rome; possible attributes: falcon, musical instruments, organ, wreath of roses and lilies
- 11HH(CHRISTINA) · the virgin martyr Christina of Bolsena; possible attributes: arrow(s), book, flames, millstone, tongs, snake, wheel
- 11HH(CLARE) · the virgin and foundress of the Order of Minoresses (or Poor Clares), Clare of Assisi; possible attributes: book, cross, flaming horn, lily, monstrance, palm-branch, pastoral staff, rosary
- 11HH(CUNEGUNDA) · Cunegunda of Bamberg, wife of Henry II, king of Germany; possible attributes: crown, model of church, ploughshare, sceptre
- 11HH(CUNERA) · the virgin martyr Cunera
- 11HH(DOROTHEA) · the virgin martyr Dorothea of Caesarea; possible attributes: basket of roses and apples, child with basket of roses, garland of roses, roses in hand or lap
- 11HH(DYMPNA) · the virgin martyr Dympna of Gheel; possible attributes: crown, devil under foot or on chain, sceptre, sword
- 11HH(ELISABETH) · Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist; possible attributes: John the Baptist as child
- 11HH(ELISABETH OF HUNGARY) · the wife and widow of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and Franciscan Tertiary, Elisabeth of Hungary; possible attributes: beggar, cripple, fish, loaves, leper, model of church, pitcher, roses in lap, scald-head, three crowns
- 11HH(ELISABETH OF PORTUGAL) · Elisabeth, wife and widow of the king of Portugal, and Franciscan Tertiary; possible attributes: crown, roses, veil, wine-jar
- 11HH(FAITH) · the virgin martyr Faith (Fides, Foi) of Agen (or Conques); possible attributes: bundle of rods, crown, dove, gridiron, palm-branch, sword
- 11HH(FELICITY) · the widow and martyr Felicity (Felicitas) of Rome; possible attributes: book, heads of her seven sons on plate or sword's blade, palm-branch, seven sons
- 11HH(FRANCES) · the widow and foundress of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi, Frances of Rome (Francesca Romana); possible attributes: guardian angel, infant Christ
- 11HH(GENEVIEVE) · the virgin Genevieve (Genofeva, Genovefa); possible attributes: angel, book, candle (or taper), crown, crook, demon, distaff, medallion
- 11HH(GERTRUDE) · the Cistercian nun (and abbess) Gertrude the Great of Helfta; possible attributes: flaming heart, heart with infant Christ, pastoral staff
- 11HH(GERTRUDE OF NIVELLES) · the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well
- 11HH(GUDULA) · the virgin Gudula, patroness of Brussels; possible attributes: angel, book, demon, lantern, torch
- 11HH(HELENA) · empress Helena, mother of Constantine the Great; possible attributes: model of church, (royal) crown, crown of thorns, cross, three nails
- 11HH(JOAN OF ARC) · Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc); possible attributes: armour, banner, lance, sword
- 11HH(JULIANA) · the virgin martyr Juliana of Nicomedia; possible attributes: book, devil under feet, (or on chain), palm, sword, whip
- 11HH(JUSTA & RUFINA) · the sisters and martyrs Justa and Rufina of Sevilla; possible attributes: broken idols, palm, pottery
- 11HH(JUSTINA & CYPRIAN) · the martyrs Justina and Cyprian(us) of Nicomedia (Antioch); possible attributes: palm, sword
- 11HH(JUSTINA OF PADUA) · the virgin martyr Justina of Padua; possible attributes: crown, palm, (knife or) sword through her bosom, unicorn
- 11HH(LIDWYNA) · the virgin Lidwyna (Lydwine) of Schiedam; possible attributes: crucifix, branch of roses in hand, roses in hair
- 11HH(LUCY) · the virgin martyr Lucy (Lucia) of Syracuse; possible attributes: dagger or sword (in neck), eyes, flames at feet, lamp, ox
- 11HH(MARGARET) · the virgin martyr Margaret of Antioch; possible attributes: cross, crown, dragon (under feet or on chain), (chaplet of) pearls
- 11HH(MARGARET OF CORTONA) · the Franciscan Tertiary Margaret of Cortona; possible attributes: discipline, dog, lily, skull, stone
- 11HH(MARTHA) · the patroness of housewives, Martha of Bethany; possible attributes: aspergillum, broom, bunch of keys, dragon, ladle
- 11HH(MARY KLEOPHAS) · Mary Kleophas, sister of the Virgin Mary, mother of James the Less ('Maria Jacobi'); possible attributes: jar of ointment
- 11HH(MARY MAGDALENE) · the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene; possible attributes: book (or scroll), crown, crown of thorns, crucifix, jar of ointment, mirror, musical instrument, palm-branch, rosary, scourge
- 11HH(MARY OF EGYPT) · the penitent harlot Mary of Egypt (Maria Aegyptiaca); possible attributes: long hair, three loaves
- 11HH(MARY SALOME) · Mary Salome, sister of the Virgin and mother of James the Great and John the Evangelist, also one of the midwives; possible attributes: jar of ointment
- 11HH(MONICA) · the mother of Augustine, Monica of Tagaste (or Ostia); possible attributes: black dress with white veil or wimple, book, crucifix, rosary
- 11HH(MYRRHOPHORES) · the three (sometimes four) Maries together; possible attributes: jar of ointment
- 11HH(ODILIA) · the Alsatian royal abbess Odilia of Hohenburg; possible attributes: baptismal font, cock, crown, eyes (on book or dish)
- 11HH(PERPETUA & FELICITAS) · the martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas (Felicity) of Carthage; possible attributes: wild bull
- 11HH(PETRONILLA) · the virgin and martyr Petronilla
- 11HH(ROSA OF LIMA) · the Dominican Tertiary Rosa (Rose) of Lima; possible attributes: anchor, crown of thorns, crucifix, infant Christ (in her arms or on a bunch of roses), lily, (wreath of) roses
- 11HH(ROSALIA) · the virgin and hermit Rosalia of Palermo; possible attributes: crucifix, wreath of roses
- 11HH(SCHOLASTICA) · the Benedictine abbess Scholastica, sister of Benedict of Nursia; possible attributes: book, crucifix, dove, lily, staff
- 11HH(SOPHIA) · the martyr Sophia of Rome, and her three daughters Fides, Spes and Caritas (Faith, Hope and Charity); possible attributes: triple crown (Sophia), sword (daughters Fides, Spes, Caritas)
- 11HH(THECLA) · the virgin martyr Thecla of Iconium; possible attributes: bear, (ball of) flames, lion, pillar, serpents
- 11HH(THERESA) · the foundress of the reformed (Discalced) Carmelites, T(h)eres(i)a of Avila; possible attributes: angel, arrow, dove, heart (flaming or pierced by an arrow)
- 11HH(URSULA) · the virgin martyr Ursula of Cologne; possible attributes: arrow, banner with red cross, cloak of ermine, crown, ship
- 11HH(VERONICA) · Veronica; possible attributes: 'Sudarium' (veil with the image of Christ)
- 11HH(WALBURGA) · the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig
- 11HH(WILGEFORTIS) · the martyr Wilgefortis (Uncumber, Liberata); possible attributes: beard, crown, fiddler (with shoe), shoe